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Countdown to Rare Disease Day 2020: 3

Countdown to Rare Disease Day 2020: 3

Countdown to Rare Disease Day on 29 February. Findacure’s “Drug Repurposing for Rare Diseases” conference returns for its 7th year!

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year from AGSD-UK to members and friends around the world. Here’s to great progress for GSD in 2020.

Our new CEO introduces himself.

Our new CEO introduces himself.

Neil Bradbury, our newly appointed Chief Executive Officer, introduces himself to our membership, and gives an insight into his plans.

AGSD-UK says farewell to Allan Muir.

AGSD-UK says farewell to Allan Muir.

As Allan Muir leaves AGSD-UK, we try to capture in words what he has achieved for the UK and international GSD community over his 28 years of involvement.

The AGSD-UK office has moved!

The AGSD-UK office has moved!

The AGSD-UK office has now moved from Droxford, near Southampton, to Chester le Street, near Durham. The phone number stays the same.

Conference late bookings still open.

Conference late bookings still open.

Routine bookings for the AGSD-UK Annual Conference, 5/6 October, are now closed. But we can still easily accommodate day delegates and possibly a few residential packages.

In Wales? Contact your Assembly Member.

In Wales? Contact your Assembly Member.

AGSD-UK supports Genetic Alliance UK in establishing a Cross-Party Group in the Welsh Assembly to support patients with rare, genetic conditions.