These are the regular activities which we continue around the year. You can follow the links on this page directly to the relevant pages of our web site for more detail on each activity.
- Offer patient and family contact and support, providing information on request by phone or email.
- Develop and maintain the AGSD-UK website.
- Create and distribute relevant GSD information and resource material: leaflets, books, fact sheets and videos.
- Publish a regular magazine.
- Hold GSD specific courses, events and workshops.
- Host an annual conference.
- Protect and promote the best interests of those affected with a GSD through support, advocacy and signposting.
- Raise awareness and educate about living with GSD’s.
- Contribute to the advancement of treatments and cures through sponsorship of research, studies and trials.
- Act as a focus for educational, scientific and charitable activities related to GSD.
- Liaise and collaborate with other GSD associations around the world.
- Fundraise and seek sponsorship in order to improve the lives of the UK GSD community