There are many ways in which you can help AGSD-UK and the GSD community… here is an introduction to the opportunities, with links to further details.
Donate – the immediate way to help
The most immediate way to help support our work is to make an online donation, but there are also many other ways to donate. You can choose either one-off and regular donations.
Your choice of fundraising opportunities
You could join one of our regular events such as a sponsored walk or cycle ride. You could do your own sponsored activity such as a skydive. You could organise your own event such as a car boot sale or coffee morning. You could suggest donations in place of birthday presents. .

Help shape our plans and activities
Can you help shape our plans and activities, perhaps as part of an editorial board helping to develop our information and publications or maybe as a fundraising advisory board member, coming up with ideas to raise money.
Contact info@agsd.org.uk to find out more.
Join the support team at our events
We need a team of volunteers at our annual events to help run the registration desk and the information stand, and generally keep things running smoothly.
Contact info@agsd.org.uk to find out more.
Become a member of a GSD support team
We have several teams of people affected by one of the GSDs who assist other people, support their GSD Coordinator and provide support at specialist centres. Experience with your condition is a big advantage, as is a commitment to helping others.
Contact info@agsd.org.uk to find out more.

Could you be a future GSD coordinator?
Once you have been involved for a few years in support of your own GSD variant, the opportunity may arise to become the coordinator for that particular GSD. This is a significant opportunity to contribute to the well-being of others. If you are interested and there is a vacancy for coordinator of your GSD, please get in touch.
Contact info@agsd.org.uk to find out more.

Expertise to contribute to the Board of Trustees?
Do you have an in-depth understanding of GSD, or a particular expertise of relevance to managing the Association? Any full member of the Association may be co-opted to join the Board of Trustees and then stand for election at the next AGM.
Contact info@agsd.org.uk to find out more about the role.