Change of details? If already Registered or Joined and you have changes, update us on the “Message us” form or email.
Free registration
Or scroll down for types of membership with greater benefits.
Registration with AGSD-UK enables us to keep you in touch with the latest developments and future events. It enables you to be put in contact other patients and families if you wish, and you can be included in our maps. You will also receive Glisten, the AGSD-UK magazine, by email.

Three types of membership of AGSD-UK
Lend your support to the cause of fighting Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD).
Please join us – the larger our membership the stronger our voice with government agencies, the medical profession, research bodies, funders and other organisations.
Full Membership
Open to all persons over 18 years of age who are affected by GSD or who are a spouse, partner, parent, guardian, brother, sister or grandparent of someone who is affected.
Full Membership includes the following benefits and rights:
- Benefits of Registration as above
- Receive Glisten magazine by post instead of email, if required
- Contribute to major policy decisions, etc through the right to vote at General Meetings
- Elect the Board of Trustees of the charity.
- Eligible to stand for election to the Board of Trustees.
Full Membership £15 p.a.
Associate Membership
Open to all other persons and all national, international and local voluntary or other non-profit making organisations who are interested in furthering the work of the AGSD-UK.
Associate Membership includes the following benefits and rights.
- Benefits of Registration as above
- Receive the Glisten magazine by post instead of email, if required
Associate Membership £15 p.a.

Membership application
For Full or Associate Membership please complete your application and pay the membership fee using our online form.
Gift Aid helps us more
If you pay UK Income Tax we will be able to claim Gift Aid. For every £1 we can reclaim £0.25p of tax. Please complete our online Gift Aid form.
Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership is open to any companies that wish to support our values and our work for the GSD community.
Corporate Membership benefits include:
- A joining announcement in our Glisten magazine and through social media
- Company logo and link to their website posted on the Corporate Members page of our website
- Company logo and acknowledgement of support in the AGSD-UK annual report
- Personalised membership certificate to display in the company’s workplace
- Printed copy of the AGSD-UK annual report
- Printed copy of the Glisten magazines during the year of membership
- AGSD-UK Corporate Member logo for use on the company’s website
Corporate Membership £250 p.a.
If you would like more information about Corporate Membership, please contact the AGSD-UK office through the “Message us” form or phone 0300 123 2790.