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Have you read the latest news?
International GSD conference in Brazil next month.
The 5th International GSD Conference (IGSD2019) takes place in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from 14 to 16 November 2019.
AGSD-UK welcomes national conversation on rare diseases.
Minister at Dept. of Health and Social Care announces a national conversation to understand how to improve care for rare diseases.
Scheme helps rail passengers with hidden disabilities.
Southeastern Trains are planning to trial a scheme next year to help passengers with hidden disabilities, which could include GSD.
AGSD-UK board of trustees seeks new members.
Three trustees retired at the AGM, so the board is now down to four members and it is actively seeking new trustees. Can you help?
Patient-identified phenomenon confirmed in GSD5.
A phenomenon identified on AGSD-UK’s walking courses has been presented in a poster at the World Muscle Society Congress.
Recent papers on CK, GSD5 and gene therapy.
Recent papers: one on genetic testing for high CK, a GeneReviews update on McArdle’s and a review of gene therapy in GSDs.
AGSD-UK says farewell to Allan Muir.
As Allan Muir leaves AGSD-UK, we try to capture in words what he has achieved for the UK and international GSD community over his 28 years of involvement.
The AGSD-UK office has moved!
The AGSD-UK office has now moved from Droxford, near Southampton, to Chester le Street, near Durham. The phone number stays the same.
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If you have a GSD news story message us or see Notes for contributors.
Read some personal stories
Do you have an interesting personal story to tell? Just message us or visit the Notes for contributors.
For personal stories on an individual GSD, visit the page for that GSD.
What and who we are
- National support group for those affected by Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) and their families.
- Membership based with an elected board of trustees.
- A company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.
- Collaborators with UK rare disease and international GSD groups.
Keep in touch
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