AGSD-UK social media gets a shake up!
Rowena Barnard has taken on managing AGSD-UK’s social media, on a volunteer basis, and it has sprung into life.
Rowena Barnard has taken on managing AGSD-UK’s social media, on a volunteer basis, and it has sprung into life.
Gary Thompson sends some photos he took of the fun and the business at our Annual Conference and AGM over 5/6 October.
We mark the passing of Dr Clive Tonks in his mid-eighties. He was a past trustee and committee member of AGSD-UK.
New information and videos – past, present and future of gene therapy from the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy.
A painting of the Pembrokeshire coast, by Edd Bush, was presented to Andrew Wakelin at our conference in October.
For the AGSD-UK Family Day at Great Ormond Street, lots of families came along and friendships and support networks were created.