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What do you need from AGSD-UK?

I am newly diagnosed and need information.

What are the sources of help and support?

In what ways can I support AGSD-UK?

What are the sources of medical guidance?

How do I find policies, finance, reports?

Have you read the latest news?

Louise Bett.

Louise Bett.

AGSD-UK are deeply saddened to learn of the recent passing of Louise Bett.

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Use the scroll links to move back and fore through our news stories.
If you have a GSD news story message us or see Notes for contributors.

Read some personal stories

Do you have an interesting personal story to tell? Just message us or visit the Notes for contributors.

For personal stories on an individual GSD, visit the page for that GSD.

What and who we are

  • National support group for those affected by Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) and their families.
  • Membership based with an elected board of trustees.
  • A company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.
  • Collaborators with UK rare disease and international GSD groups.

Keep in touch

Register FREE with AGSD-UK to keep in touch with the latest developments and future conferences, workshops, courses and fundraising events. It helps you keep in touch with other patients and families. You will receive our magazine, Glisten, by email.