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Rare Disease Day 2021
2 days to go until Rare Disease Day 2021.
Eurordis H-Care Survey of rare diseases results.
Eurordis key findings from a survey on patients’ and carers’
experience of medical care for their rare diseases.
Winner announced of the PST Avatar Competition.
The Pompe Support Team wanted to create a fun opportunity for children, as a show of support during lockdown.
Spark Therapeutics doses the first participant in Gene Therapy trial.
Spark Therapeutics Announces First Participant Dosed in Phase 1/2 Study of Investigational Gene Therapy for Late-Onset Pompe Disease
Vitamin D supplements for clinically extremely vulnerable.
Free daily vitamin D supplements are available if you’re at high risk (clinically extremely vulnerable) from coronavirus (COVID-19).
COVID-19 Vaccine FAQ’s.
BIMDG have provided a list of frequently asked questions about the vaccination programme for COVID-19
Christmas lights – by Irene and Frank Green.
Frank and Irene Green from Altrincham for years have decorated their home with festive lights, this year again raising money for AGSD-UK.
Winter Season of GSD talks and events is here.
Over the next few months AGSD-UK is offering a series of talks and presentations which will be uploaded each Monday
Use the scroll links to move back and fore through our news stories.
If you have a GSD news story message us or see Notes for contributors.
Read some personal stories
Do you have an interesting personal story to tell? Just message us or visit the Notes for contributors.
For personal stories on an individual GSD, visit the page for that GSD.
What and who we are
- National support group for those affected by Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) and their families.
- Membership based with an elected board of trustees.
- A company limited by guarantee and a registered charity.
- Collaborators with UK rare disease and international GSD groups.
Keep in touch
Register FREE with AGSD-UK to keep in touch with the latest developments and future conferences, workshops, courses and fundraising events. It helps you keep in touch with other patients and families. You will receive our magazine, Glisten, by email.