![Survey of muscle GSDs and COVID-19 issues.](https://agsd.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/iamgsd-survey-covid19.jpg)
Survey of muscle GSDs and COVID-19 issues.
IamGSD has launched a survey of people affected by muscle GSDs and how they are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
IamGSD has launched a survey of people affected by muscle GSDs and how they are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mendelian, working to reduce diagnostic delay, and thus improve quality of life, in rare diseases including glycogen storage disease.
A trial of a new treatment for GSD2 has been halted. VAL-1221 was delivered intravenously in late-onset Pompe patients.
NICE are looking for lay members to join their highly specialised technologies evaluation committee.
AGSD-UK supports the Eurordis-led initiative of a survey of care in rare diseases across Europe. It takes just 10 minutes!
New information and videos – past, present and future of gene therapy from the American Society for Gene and Cell Therapy.