A great group and fantastic weather
During our Walking with McArdle’s course in Wales this year we tried to come up with a collective noun for McArdle-ites. Possibly the best was “a Determination of McArdle-ites”, though the jury is still out. Our group photo of 11 of the 12 McArdle-ites on the main course certainly reflects the determined spirit of those participating. During the course, and the Children & Parents event which followed, we reckon that we walked a total of about 600 miles in blazing sun – that is certainly some determination!
Day overlap of courses
This year we overlapped the two events by one full day so that children and adults could walk together. The activity for that day was a boat trip from Tenby harbour to Caldey Island, where we walked several routes including to the high point of the island where there is a lighthouse. We hope to soon have some video footage of the group filmed by Alfred from his drone. It wasn’t all walking, we enjoyed the nature trail, the chocolate factory and many of us paddled or swam from a beautiful beach before the boat trip back to explore the picturesque town of Tenby.
Walks on coast and estuary and sightseeing visits
During the two events we are also walked on the coast where we saw the “Green Bridge of Wales”, a spectacular rock arch on the sea cliffs, climbed the Cribin Ridge at Solva, walked around Bosherton Lakes with its lily ponds, walked along an estuary, explored Manorbier Castle, and visited St. David’s with its cathedral.
Learning and sharing
With people from seven countries there was no shortage of talk about McArdle’s, learning tips and techniques along the way. We had a talk on genetics and what happens in McArdle disease from Jeremy Michelson of IamGSD who was an honorary McArdle-ite for the 10 days, as he actually has Tarui disease (GSD7), which is very similar to McArdle’s.
There were lots of “gold stars” awarded, first and foremost to Lucy, age 9 and 3/4s, for beating her previous best distance of 6.1 miles with 6.6 miles on a challenging lakeside and clifftop walk, followed by Irene for re-finding her second wind and Bronte (as assistant/trainee leader) for overcoming a cramp injury to complete the last walk.
We hope to have more news, photos and video to follow.
See some more photos on the “McArdle’s takes Wales” Facebook group.
Looking to 2020
Watch out for details of our plans for next year, the tenth anniversary of these courses.
Main photo, Children & Parents event: Irene (USA), Lucy (England), Jeremy (USA), Bronte (England) and Andrew (Wales).

Walking course 2019: Brenda (USA), Jeremy (USA), Christine (Scotland), Andrew (Wales), Debbie (USA), Danny (England), Bronte (England), Andy (Scotland), Sioned (England), Fieke (Netherlands) and Alfred (Germany). Missing from the photo is John (Australia).
Another great success, well done everyone and huge thanks to Andrew for the vast amount of time you freely give to organise these events and support everyone with McArdle. Jane
We are very proud of Irene
Grandparents Vicki and Norman
Wonderful hiking everyone! Although I couldn’t join my daughter, Irene, in Wales, inspired by all of you I walked some each day in the U.S. and monitored my steps. I did not come anywhere close to your distances! You are all so determined and have built such perseverance. Congrats! Hope to see some of you in Houston in the autumn at the AGSD conference.
My daughter Lucy age 9 was diagnosed age 5 and predominantly required use of her wheelchair. Andrew Wakelin and Agsd have provided us with support from day one. Lucy has drastically changed her life since attending her very first event. This year on the last day she amazingly managed to walk 6.6 miles. The friendships and constant guidance is priceless and I can’t thank the people enough who give their voluntary time to help my daughter live her life to the fullest. Yes it’s not easy but I really believe if we manage this condition as we are now she will have a very bright future. Huge thank you from us all.
This is so very inspiring and touches my heart! Having had a son travel from the US to attend the original Walk Over Wales in 2010 and several subsequent walks, I can truly say these walks are life changing. The confidence my son gained along with the amazing camaraderie he shared with others that understand has helped him realize what he CAN do and equipped him in ways no medical appointment ever could. Hats off to Andrew Wakelin who had a dream and made it come true for not only himself but for others. We are truly grateful for this amazing event! So glad another international group of McArdlites had a wonderful week learning and sharing and were able to appreciate the beauty of Wales!
You all do amazing and the way you all look after each other .
Lucy loves her time spend with you all,for that i am really greatful x