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Very happy Family Day at GOSH

Rewarded with a big sense of community

Ten families joined the Family Day at Great Ormond Street Hospital, London,  in October 2018 organised by Jane Lewthwaite, Specialist Care Advisor.

Heather McLelland entertained with her vast array of musical instruments and several children showed huge potential. Dietitian and Clinical Lead for PKU and Metabolic Ketogenic, Rachel Skeath, brought along a fruit skewer competition with prizes and everyone made their own design. Mathilde Antonini, Clinical Nurse Specialist gave a talk on travel planning with an array of leaflets and useful information.

At the end some parents were gathered together. They could not leave because their children were all sitting chatting around a table in the Lagoon restaurant, refusing to go home. As always on the Family Days; friends of all ages were made, advice was shared and everyone felt a sense of community with their GSD.