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Do you feel no-one has heard of GSD?

Do you often feel that no-one has ever heard of Glycogen Storage Disease?

Always having to explain

Having a GSD usually means that you will spend quite a lot of time explaining what it is to people who look at you quizzically.

It is no joke. Constantly being met with a lack of understanding and, worse, sheer disbelief, can be demoralising and isolating.

Some media exposure

Many of our members spot the occasional reference to GSD in the wider media and let us know. It all helps to raise awareness.

For example, there was a story about McArdle disease on the TV drama “Casualty” three years ago and another in “24 hours in A&E”. Lots of members said they felt “At last, some recognition!”.

Shock in GCSE Biology exam

We heard of another reference at the recent CATS get-together for GSD3. Niamh Kenny told us about the surprise (even shock?) she had when right at the end of her GCSE Biology exam paper up popped a question about GSD!

We have reproduced the question above for you to ponder.

By the way, there is a happy ending… Niamh passed!