Wednesday, 27th September 2023
I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to AGSD UK for their invaluable support. This remarkable charity is dedicated to assisting individuals with GSD, and I’m profoundly thankful for their unwavering commitment. Asma, UK
Saturday, 16th September 2023
Thank you very much for your help in regards to helping with this pip renewal once again. You are able to communicate well through all different platforms whether that be through text or over the phone even through emails. You explain thoroughly and provide...
Tuesday, 7th December 2021
I’ve had very good news yesterday that A has been awarded DLA again and has been back dated to 22nd September when they initially stopped it. Once again many thanks to you and your wonderful team. Asma, UK
Friday, 5th November 2021
Thank you so much for sending me the educational materials. They are so helpful to our patients in the Adult Metabolic Diseases Clinic, Vancouver General Hospital. Margaret O’Riley, Metabolic Nurse Educator, Canada
Saturday, 23rd October 2021
Thank you, this is very helpful! Thanks again for your time and resources! RC, Germany