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Update on the Beam GSD1a programme.

BEAM-301 in GSDIa

Beam Therapeutics have put out a press release that includes an update on U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance for their investigational new drug application for BEAM-301 in GSDIa.

A recent Beam press release reports on clearance by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for their investigational new drug (IND) application for BEAM-301 in GSDIa.

Now that the FDA has cleared their application, Beam are working to open their Phase 1/ 2 trial in multiple US sites. Although the Phase 1/ 2 trial will be US only, they hope the program is successful so that in the future they may be able to expand outside of the US for a Phase 3 study.

You can read the press release below.


 Beam press release