A booklet for children with GSD1a, a map of affected people in the UK and some links of interest to those learning about GSD1.
“GSD and Me” web site
Vitaflo have a web resource for people affected by the liver GSDs. It describes five of the most common hepatic GSDs (0, 1, 3, 6 and 9). It provides useful advice on dietary control and exercise, as well as sections on school, employment and travel.
Medical resources
eMedicine Medscape
A description of GSD1 in plain English.Go to Medscape GSD1 information.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man
Medical resource on GSD1a. Go to the OMIM web site.
Patient groups
Children’s Fund for Glycogen Storage Disease Research, Inc
A USA based organisation promoting research into GSD1. Go to the CureGSD web site.