Meet our GSD9 coordinator, plus details of social media and we have some links for you to further information.
AGSD-UK social media
There is information and support available online for people affected by GSD. In addition to this website, AGSD-UK also have a Facebook page, and Instagram accounts.
Visit our AGSD-UK Facebook page
Visit our AGSD-UK Instagram page
Follow us on our social media channels and watch out for our posts!

AGSD-UK YouTube channel
Our YouTube channel GSD Screen, has many videos dedicated to informing and providing support to those affected by GSD.
The channel features videos from our Winter Seasons 2021 and 2022 including presentations from medical professionals and patients’ stories. The channel also has videos on GSDs, courses, meetings and conferences, and covering some of our fundraising events. Several of the GSDs have their own playlists. We also link to other channels which we think will be of interest.
GSD Social Media
Glycogen Storage Disease in the UK and Ireland
The aim of this Facebook group is to share information, experiences and generally learn from one and other about how to deal with GSD’s on a daily basis.
Glycogen Storage Disease
This group is for all those that are affected, or have family that are affected by Glycogen Storage Disease.
GSD9 Social Media
Glycogen Storage Disease type 9
This private facebook page is for all affected by GSD9
Glycogen Storage Disease 9d – IamGSD
These general and GSD9 facebook groups are not linked to or run by AGSD-UK
Remember, these groups are not run by medical professionals, but it can be very helpful in swapping experiences with other people affected by GSD. However, take care not to treat someone’s opinion as scientific fact.