The trustees endeavour to maintain clear, appropriate and coherent policies and procedures to help ensure that AGSD-UK is well run.
Our policies and procedures aim to:
- Ensure compliance with the law and regulations.
- Provide appropriate controls including a framework for delegation by the board of trustees to staff or volunteers that set out how things should be done and what is expected of people.
- Enable transparency and accountability, showing that the board of trustees are conducting the work of AGSD-UK appropriately.
- Limit risk to our community, volunteers, staff and the association.

We have adopted the following policies and procedures:
- ICT Use
- Lone Working
- Recruitment
- Supervision & Support Guidelines for Managers
- Managing Volunteer Performance
- Statement of Terms & Conditions of Employment
- Induction for Paid Staff
- Disciplinary
- Grievance
- Whistle Blowing
- Handling Complaints
- Safeguarding Policy and Procedure for Children, Young People and Adults
- Financial Procedures
- Dignity at Work
- Equality & Diversity
- Conflict of Interest
- Ethics
- General Data Protection Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Privacy Notice
If you require sight of any of these policies, please contact us using the “message us” form.